Not exactly a performance, but PinkFusion is PREPARING TO RECORD THEIR FIRST ALBUM! Tracks will be focused on their original jazz arrangements of classical fare, and as each is ready to rollout they will perform the new pieces live on the vlog! Watch for updates, and for their IndieGogo fundraising campaign:’)
NOV 22 5:30-9:30 @ 2nd and Vine, Ontario OR – Come for a wonderful dinner, listen to the festive music! For reservations, call 541-889-3394, and here are directions
DEC 10, 7:00-9:00 @ THE SAPPHIRE ROOM IN BOISE ID – PinkFusion joins Gemma Arts for an evening of holiday fun! For tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-of-timeless-christmas-tunes-with-gemma-arts-singers-tickets-1038424895817?aff=oddtdtcreator
DEC 14, 3:00-5:00 @ THE ARGYROS THEATRE IN KETCHUM, ID Join us for a festive afternoon of carols featuring PinkFusion and friends – Leslie’s sister John, and Melodie Taylor Mauldin join us along with Colla Voce, an amazing local girls group! Cocktails and carols in the lobby start at 3:00, show starts at 4:00, then go watch the tree lighting nearby- truly an event series to get your holiday spirit flowing. For tickets visit: https://www.sunvalleyopera.com/
DEC 20, 5:30-9:30 @ 2nd and Vine, Ontario OR – Come for a wonderful dinner, listen to the festive music! For reservations, call 541-889-3394, and here are directions